Friday, February 19, 2021

Never Expected


One morning I woke up, looked outside the window, and saw that there was a rosebud in a plant. I quickly went outside and observed, it was so small, covered with its green sepal. I watered it that day and woke up early the next day just to water the plant so that it blooms quickly. I constantly roused up early in the morning and doused water on it. One day I noticed petals of rose started to sneak out of the sepals -was struggling to get out of it. After a few days, its petals sprung up and started to disperse, I guess that was its most beautiful period when it looked stunning. The next morning -I woke up and the outermost petal was a little torn because of the wind last night- wind shook the plant and the throne of its own punctured small holes in the petals. It kept happening for a few days, after that I looked at it and it was quite unexpected -a lot of its petals were torn badly and were bad in shape. Nevertheless, I continued watering and many days later it started to come together and began to spread fragrance, which added its own magical aura to the ambiance. It is now beautiful and pleasing to my eyes.

The same night after I went to bed and before I fell asleep I imagined a time-lapse of a rose blooming from bud to become a beautiful flower and instantly a thought struck my mind. ‘How similar is our life to this rose?’ During childhood our parents took such good care and never let anything happen to us even so as we grew up, we aspire to get out of their guidance and explore the world and that is the most exquisite time span of our life where we experience a lot of new things- new ideas come to our mind, future seems to be bright, career going smooth, in-fact everything is balanced and goes according to us but after a while suddenly we are knocked by adolescence, puberty and need to decide what to pursue further to have a good career and bright future. As soon as the bad phase passes we bloom again and bloom forever because now we have already learned to face the problem, take the right decision for our-self, and know what is good for us. And in all this journey the one who waters us is our parents they never give up on us no matter what.

I never expected that I could learn such an important lesson about life from a rose. That’s when I realized if you want to understand life –just observe… and observe your surroundings, the answer lies nowhere else but in the beauty of nature itself.

[If you liked it click on the picture above to reach out to my Instagram(one.sh0t_) and do-follow for amazing photography. Comment down any suggestion you like me to work on.] 

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