Thursday, February 28, 2019

Seven days of Valentine

We often want it so
Badly, we ruin it
Before it begins.

Over-thinking, Fantasizing,
Imagining, Expecting,
Worrying, Doubting.

Just let it
Naturally, evolve.

 February 6,
Shortly before 11 am- Jimmy was walking down the road heading towards the market. No longer than four minutes of a walk he saw a girl which he has been following for two weeks since the last sight was walking towards his apartment. After that quick moment, he continued walking to the market-    grabbed his stuff- reached the apartment and it was already mid-day. He was at the gate and found that girl right in front of him- he tried to be serene.
“Hey, I am Joe.” said the girl.
“Hi M Jimmy.” He replied and they quickly finished their introduction.
“Would you mind showing me room no 303?” asked Joe.
Yes sure, it’s right next to mine,” replied Jimmy.
Jimmy showed Joe her room and instead, Joe asked him for a coffee, and he could not refuse her. They were having coffee and as soon as he asked to exchange their number, ‘door-bell rang’-
She opened the door and welcomed two of her friends who were going to be her room partner.
“Say hello to my friend Jenna and Juli, and he is Jimmy”, said Joe.
All of them had coffee together and Jimmy didn’t get a chance to ask her number. He left the room after coffee and started looking at her name on social media. Finally, he found the profile on Facebook- he sent a request and soon it was accepted by Joe. He started chatting & finished asking for a mobile number in that chat. He went to the balcony-it was already sunset which was not normal for him- today’s sunset just melted his heart-he walked in after sunset-finished his all the homework- had dinner and he started chatting with her till late at night.
It was nearly 10 pm-Jimmy asked Joe that if she had a boyfriend. She simply said, “I don’t.” It was late so he wished her good night and went to the bed.

February 7,
Jimmy woke up early at 5 am and wised her “good morning”. By the time they were kind of good friends. (As Jimmy is good-looking, good hearted, calm, shy & gentle too, he also has a very nice tone of talking- which helps him to come closer to anybody in their first talk.) Jimmy had also started talking to Joe’s friends-and both of her friends were in love with Jimmy’s smile. Joe hadn’t expressed but she was also impressed by Jimmy.
Right about 6 am- Joe replied “good morning”
“Let’s go for a walk,” asked Jimmy.
“Okay, my friends are also coming
Hope, you don’t have a problem with it” replied Joe
Then they departed the apartment and headed towards the garden which was two streets down the apartment. No sooner than they reached to garden Jimmy asked Joe about her family member-talking on the same topic they completed two rounds of the garden and headed to a coffee shop next to their apartment. They had had coffee and finally went to their rooms.
It was 9 am- While Jimmy was in the rush to his college- the phone rang up and it was Joe- he took the call. She just wanted to make sure that whether she had locked her window and door or not. Jimmy went to college and got scolded for coming late.
“Hey buddy, how you doing?” asked Jimmy’s friend.
“I am good. What about you? And how was your vacation?” replied Jimmy.
They had a discussion on jimmy’s friend's holiday and then he shared with him what he felt for the lady adjacent to his room. His friend suggested he purpose her in ‘propose day’ which was the next day. But he didn’t like the suggestion right at the moment. It was 2 pm by the time, he and his friend departed the school and headed towards their room. On the way home he asked his friend “What if she dump me?”
“Nothing much you need to look for another one.” His friend replied.
 He was quite worried then his friend suggested he take her out somewhere and offer her a rose as today is the rose day- He liked the idea. As soon as he reached home- he quickly texted Joe to go out with him. First Joe denied but then after several calls, she was ready to go.
Currently, it was 4 pm and they were in the restaurant- they ordered their meal- after a few seconds a waiter came over and gave a rose to Joe, she took it- there was a card inside when she read it she knew that it was him. She blushed which was a quite good sign for Jimmy. They ate their meal-danced for a while and left the restaurant. Till they got home it was already 7 pm- Joe was super impressed by Jimmy. Joe knew that jimmy was likely to propose to her tomorrow- so she asked her friend about that-as Jenna and Juli were also in touch with jimmy so they suggested Joe accept if he proposed. It was already late discussing so they slept.
February 8
Morning 7 am- Jimmy wasn’t able to sleep till late at night he was doing rehearsal so that he could propose to her in a very fine way. He texted her ‘good morning’- Soon reply came over they both started chatting. Jimmy went to the balcony and found Joe playing with baby-seeing and he felt affection for her.
It was 9 am and they both departed the apartment at the same time and headed towards the college- nothing much happened at college and he returned home earlier than usual. While coming he found a man in a wheelchair trying so hard to climb the inclined road- he quickly got to the man and helped him to climb the road. Further on his way, he found a dog whom he used to feed every day returning from college and he fed the dog that day too. During all these Joe was watching him from far away without giving any sense of presence. He reached home- quickly changed and waited for Joe to come. He was doing his homework and Joe arrived.
As soon as she reached her room text pop up-
“Hey joy, I have something to tell you. Will you be upstairs soon” said Jimmy.
“Okay I will be there in a minute,” Joe replied.
Time was about 6 pm- Right after she came- Jimmy bent down on one knee, took her hand in his and confessed to her about his feelings for her. She was surprised, she had expected a proposal but in this way she had never imagined. She could not stop herself from saying ‘yes’. After this, they hugged each other and stayed up for a while gossiping and then went down to their rooms- had a meal and he ended that day wishing her a ‘good night’.

February 9
Today Joe woke up early and wished Jimmy ‘good morning’- Jimmy woke up with the popup sound and replied to her text. He left the bed went to the bathroom- brushing his teeth- seeing himself in the mirror he asked “Is this all real?” he pinched himself to come out of the dream but it was all real.
He cooked a meal for himself and finished doing the remaining homework. Later on, he started getting ready for his college- today also they departed together and moved to their corresponding college. When jimmy reached college his friend asked about yesterday- they had a couple of minutes' talk on that and suddenly the teacher arrived- classes continued. After class, he returned home- met Joe, and went to the same garden two streets down. While they were talking, Jimmy took out some chocolates out of pocket and gave them to Joe as it was ‘chocolate day’. They returned home at about 6pm- cooked their meal- finished homework and slept after chatting for half an hour.

 February 10
Joe was in bed and suddenly the doorbell rang. She left the bed and walked towards the door- opened it- her eye remain wide opened seeing a giant teddy bear outside the door. She quickly came and thanked Jimmy after that they both freshened up and went to college and after they return- again they went for a short walk. The usual thing happened and their day ended wishing ‘Good night’ to each other.

February 11
It was promise day and again early she received a long letter filled with warm morning wishes and few promises. Same as before, today too they both went their college together. When Jimmy reached college some of his friends started asking him about the girl he was in love with- he only shared a little bit about how they came together.
One of his friends asked him “Did you kiss her yet?”
“No, and I won’t” he replied.
Friends said (laughing) “U will be dumb forever- Be man dude.”
Again teacher entered suddenly and they stopped talking- while he was departing the college, one friend dare him that if he kisses her he would admit him as superior. He returned home- but he didn’t find any text of Joe till his long return. He was worried and knock on Joe’s door. Joe’s friend opened the door and informed him that she was having a stomach ache and also informed him about the arrival of her parents for one day visit so she won’t be meeting him for a day- he left.
Later he texted her at night and a few talk and they slept.

February 12
He started his morning the same as before and noticed the arrival of Joe’s parents. It was Saturday and Joe could not text him or meet him due to the certain arrival of her parents. So Jimmy thought to go to his friend’s house to hang out. He left the apartment and reached his friend’s house slightly before 9 am-there were two more friends already. They all played video games and had some food- all of sudden,
One friend asked, “Did you kiss her?”
This time he didn’t want to be suppressed by a friend so he replied aggressively, “I will… on kiss day.”
“Okay, let’s see how much guts you got.” Replied his friends.
After this he left his friend’s house and started walking along the river- he called Joe and asked whether her parents had left or not. When she said, they didn’t. He sounded anxious “why the hell are they still here? You told me that they are here for 1 day and still they did leave.”
“I still have pain so they are here, they are my parents- how they could leave me when I am in pain and what happened to you- first be calm and call me.” Replied Joe. Then he went to his room and slept. Directly woke up late evening and started texting her “I am so sorry for what I spoke earlier.” No replies came for a minute then he started calling- it was busy. After a while, his text was replied, “Sorry I was on a call with my school friend.”
“Was that boy or girl?” asked Jimmy.
She said that it was a boy. Then Jimmy again in the anxious way “You can talk to your other male friend in front of your parents but you can’t talk to me.”
They both had a quarrel for that night and ended up chat quarreling- they slept.
(Having a conversation with any person is everyone’s right, nobody could violet it even if you are in a relationship with somebody else- the thing is you should not cheat your partner, every relationship has its own limit we must stay in that. You can’t control your partner's life- nobody gave you that right. So never make it an issue until and unless they are crossing their limit or cheating on you.)

 February 13,
Jimmy asked sorry immediately after he woke up. And Joe also considered it and also mentioned that she was fine and her parents had left early in the morning. Jimmy made meals for himself and did his work and left for college. At college his friend again reminded him about what he told yesterday- He went home.
Shortly before 4 pm- Jimmy and Joe departed for the garden. They were having a good talk and suddenly Jimmy kissed Joe. Joe suddenly went to the discomfort zone and said “Why did you do that? Didn’t you think of asking me first for that?” After that, they left- returned home and Jimmy quickly texted “I am sorry it was kiss day so, I just stole a kiss.”
“I don’t like being kissed, at least you should have asked my permission, my decision should also be valued. Every girl just searches for a boyfriend who respects their decision as well their feelings-who doesn’t aspect anything instead of their love and care.” Joe replied.
Jimmy felt so good listening to that and he asked sorry for all that he had done in the past 2 days and promised that he will never hurt her again. Day has already turned into night and they went to their bed.

It was finally Valentine, February 14
On the day of love, Jimmy woke up wished Joe ‘Good morning’. Shortly before 6 am- They went to the garden for a walk- today Joe was so happy seeing the older Jimmy. They both completed 2 rounds and returned back to their room- got ready for college. They departed the apartment and headed towards their college.
Right after Jimmy visited- his friend asked “Did you kiss her?”
Just to see their reaction and expectation he said that he did. Then again one of his friends stood and said: “That was just a test of your guts- if u will be able to have a physical relationship with her then we will consider you as superior to our group.”
He said politely “I am okay with what I am, I don’t think anyone can prove their bravery by being physical with their girl.” Saying this he left.
After this, he returned home and lived happily with his girl.
(Relationship aren’t just a word it’s a bond between two souls you can’t get into it and move out whenever you wish. Here you need to respect each other feelings and show your love probably without being physical.)

Day I've lost that loving feeling

Hey, I am just one of the guys from this selfish world. Like everyone I too have a dream to accomplish. I was already on my way to it however at one point I got distracted by something that could neither be ignored nor be taken parallel with my dream. I thought to give some of my time on it and see whether I could have another way to take both things together. It was a feeling for that girl who distracted me from my goal. It was already two month since I saw her for the first time. We used to have simple hi and hello when we met accidentally. Feeling for her was getting stronger and stronger day by day. She was so adorable- her eye was beautiful that I could recognize it among thousands of other eyes-her smile was so pure that I could forget all my sorrow. After someday I decided that it’s time to push myself forward and I went in-front of her she was talking with her friends.
 “Will you please excuse us for some time” I said. 
Now it’s just us-“I have many regrets about my decision however to spend my life with you was the proudest of my life. I love you-Will you be my girlfriend?” I approached.
 She said that she don’t wanna be in relation due to her own reasons. Though it hurted, I appreciated her for clear rejection & for not hanging me around her just for a while- we both left. It was a second day after our last meet I saw her in my friend’s birthday party and I noticed her being close with a guy I never saw around her before. I quietly asked about who he is. And she said that he was her boyfriend. I was like wtf-seriously, you just said yesterday that you were single and don’t wanna be in relation just two day ago and now you are with your boyfriend. She said, “Yeah, it’s my life-I can do whatever I like to.” Hearing that I got frozen for a second, and I went out- from that day I started loving myself.